Sunday, April 13, 2008


Oh Cheyah.... I went 2 a DPCW (Dr. Pain's Clinic Wrestling) show yesterday at B.J.'s on powell &nd 182nd i think and the show was great the next show is at Aarons on 82nd on saterday the 17th. You all Should come!!!! the shows are great. i hope Grunge is okay after his concution and i thank all the people who run the shows and make it possalbe 2 have them for makeing a great show and i thank the wrestlers for going out there for us and putting there bodys on the line for our intertament!! so thanx!!!! love u all!!! u guys did a great job!!!


Friday, November 2, 2007

What i will miss about this class

I will miss everything about this class.I have the nicest and awesomest teacher ever is the one in this class.....Mrs. Deacon.It is one of the funnest. Alot of my friends are in this class.Its the easiest class out of all of them.The fact that i love computers and other technology things makes it even cooler and makes it the best class to take and if i could i would take it all year.It rocks!!!!It is my favorite subject ever.

what i will do with my knolage i have learnd in this class

The first thing i will do is i will help my friend make a blog because she really wants to.I will also start using the new computer/ technology words that i know instead of the old ones. I really wanna do some other stuff with my blog but I don't know how to or I would to.I will probably do alot of PowerPoint's now because they are so much fun.I will also use word documents for some class papers instead of writing them now as well.This class has taught me so many things tho i cant do every thing I want to because there are still so many things that we didn't learn because we were kind of behind. I am still very happy i got to take this class, it' so much fun.I LOVE THIS CLASS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will be able to do so many new things now.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Random post

I am board so i am posting a random Post


Monday, October 29, 2007

how technology changed my life

One way that technology has changed my life is the computer, if there was no technology that means no computer, t.v., radio,i pod/mp3s or any of that stuff. I know for a fact that if i didn't have music or a computer with Internet my life would be way different.Music and t.v.and computers and all that stuff is for entertainment if i didn't have those things i wouldn't have any thing to do that much.That is one way it changed my life is entertainment.
Another way is school work.Sometimes i need to look up stuff that's not in the dictionary and stuff so i come to the computer and find what i need.Ever since i got a computer which is technology i have been doing better in school a little bit.Also T.v helps because it has the news which makes me more aware of my surroundings.

my weekend

The first thing i did was go to the school dance on Thursday. After that I went to my friend Jaaz's house and stayed the night there.It was fun because I almost fell off the roof because we fell asleep up there then we woke up really late and went inside.Then the next day we went over to Kasha's house and i stayed the night over there.That night we went to see the 13 th door. That was the best part!!!It was so scary!After that we went back to her house and watched movies.Then went to bed.The next night we went to A haunted corn maze.The corn maze was at the pumpkin patch so me and Kasha got to pumpkins to share and so did her little brother and his friend.Then we went back to my house and she stayed the night.It was so much fun!! Loved it!!!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

What i have learnd in this class

I learnd how to make a power point and a blog.I also learnd how to pull up a word document out of no whare.I learnd most of the parts of a computer.I learnd what gutters are and where they are at on a web page.Power points are not verry hard to make for me.And I learnd more about other stuff about other things from power points.